Keynote Speakers

Prof. Reynold Cheng
The University of Hong Kong

Professor Reynold Cheng is a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Associate Dean of Engineering of HKU. He is also an academic advisor to the College of Professional and Continuing Education of HKPU. His research interests are in data science, big graph analytics and uncertain data management. He received his BEng (Computer Engineering) in 1998 and MPhil in 2000 from HKU. He then obtained his MSc and PhD degrees from Department of Computer Science of Purdue University in 2003 and 2005.
Professor Cheng received the ACM Distinguished Membership Award and the HKU Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award in 2023. He was listed as the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University in 2022, and is named the 2024 and 2023 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Database. He received the SIGMOD Research Highlights Reward 2020, HKICT Awards 2021 and 2023, and HKU Knowledge Exchange Award (Engineering) 2021. He was granted an Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2011-12 by HKU. He received the Universitas 21 Fellowship in 2011, and two Performance Awards from HKPU Computing in 2006 and 2007. He is a member of IEEE, ACM, ACM SIGMOD, and UPE. He was a PC co-chair of IEEE ICDE 2021, and has been serving on the program committees and review panels for leading database conferences and journals like SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, KDD, IJCAI, AAAI, and TODS. He is on the editorial board of KAIS, IS and DAPD, and was a former editorial board member of TKDE.

Prof. Haijun Zhang
University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE

Haijun Zhang is currently a Full Professor and Associate Dean in School of Computer and Communications Engineering at University of Science and Technology Beijing, China. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada. He serves/served as Track Co-Chair of VTC Fall 2022 and WCNC 2020/2021, Symposium Chair of Globecom'19, TPC Co-Chair of INFOCOM 2018 Workshop on Integrating Edge Computing, Caching, and Offloading in Next Generation Networks, and General Co-Chair of GameNets'16. He serves/served as an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. He received the IEEE CSIM Technical Committee Best Journal Paper Award in 2018, IEEE ComSoc Young Author Best Paper Award in 2017, IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Best Young Researcher Award in 2019. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE and a Fellow of IEEE.

Prof. Jin Song Dong
National University of Singapore

Speech Title: Dependable Intelligence: Reasoning beyond ChatGPT

Dr. Jin-Song Dong is a professor at the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and he joined NUS in 1998. His research is in the areas of formal methods, safety and security systems, probabilistic reasoning, sports analytics, and trusted machine-learning/LLM-reasoning. He co-founded the PAT verification system which has attracted thousands of registered users from 1000+ organizations in 150 countries and won 20 Year ICFEM Most Influential System Award in 2018 (with Jun and Yang). He also co-founded “Silas: trusted machine learning” and the Dependable Intelligence company ( He received a number of best paper awards including the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for ICSE 2020. Jin Song has been on the editorial board of ACM Transaction on Software Engineering and Methodology, Formal Aspects of Computing, and Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, A NASA Journal. He has successfully supervised 27 PhD students and many of them have become tenured faculty members in leading universities around the world. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia. In his spare time, he developed Markov Decision Process (MDP) models for tennis strategy analysis in PAT and helped professional players in their pre-match analysis (beating the world's best). Jin Song is also a Grand Slam junior coach and enjoys coaching tennis to his 3 kids who all reached the #1 Singapore/Australia national junior ranking (two of his kids received NCAA Division 1 full scholarships, and his 2nd son Chen Dong played #1 singles for Australia in the Junior Davis Cup World Final and played Australian Open and US Open Junior Grand Slams).

Invited Speakers

Assoc. Prof. Masateru Tsunodat
Kindai University, Japan

Speech Title: Software Development and Human Factors in the AI Era

Masateru Tsunoda is an associate professor in the Department of Informatics at Kindai Unitersity, Japan. His research interests include software measurement and human factors in software development. Tsunoda received a Doctor of Engineering in information science from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. He is a member of IEEE, the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers, the Information Processing Society of Japan, the Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, and the Japan Society for Information and Systems in Education.

Assoc. Prof. Kien Nguyen
Chiba University, Japan

Speech Title: A Research on Deployment and Evaluation of IoT Blockchain Systems

Kien Nguyen is currently an Associate Professor at the Institute for Advanced Academic Research and the Graduate School of Informatics, both at Chiba University, Japan. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan, in 2012. His research interests encompass communication technologies for distributed systems, focusing on the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoTs). Dr. Nguyen has co-authored over 180 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, holds three patents, and has contributed to Internet drafts. He serves as a Technical Editor for Computer Communications and as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for several international conferences. Additionally, he is a member of IEICE and IPSJ, as well as a Senior Member of IEEE.

ICCCI Speakers Gallery