ICCCI 2021
ICCCI 2021 Proceedings | ISBN: 978-1-7281-7617-8 | IEEE Xplore
ICCCI 2021 Scopus indexed Journal | Special Issue "ICCCI 2020& 2021: Advances in Baseband Signal Processing, Circuit Designs, and Communications-Papers published
Group Photo

Conference Chair Prof. Yutaka Ishibashi from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan gave a warm welcome to all participants online. This year, we have 3 keynote speakers, Prof. Masakatsu Fujiwara from NTT Network Technology Laboratories, Japan; Prof. Chih-Yu Wen from National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan; Prof. Takayuki Ito from Kyoto University, Japan, and 1 invited speaker, Prof. Hiroshi Fujinoki from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA.

Excellent Oral Presentation Winners